As far as chef Adam Aamann is concerned, it’s always been about food and ingredients. He’s a familiar face in Copenhagen restaurant milieus as well as on Danish TV. That’s because Adam is driven by an unrelenting curiosity about aroma and flavour. And now he also designs fragrances for Zone Denmark.
“You can’t escape a scent
– it goes straight into the brain”
Adam Aamann’s universe is full of new avenues opening up to be explored. For example, it was while designing his exclusive Aamanns 1921 restaurant that the enterprising chef came up with the idea of making soap.
“The premises were amazing. We drew inspiration from Danish chapels and made an effort to create a beautiful restaurant in a classic Nordic style – and obviously interior design had to include pleasant toilets that smelt good.”
After trying out various soaps, he felt the urge to try making his own soap. So Adam bought what he needed and set to work in his kitchen. As a chef, he knows what ingredients go together. Furthermore, he’s a schnapps specialist and a master of balancing subtle aromas.
This resulted in such invitingly scented soaps that the restaurant’s customers were taking them home – and from there it was a small step to start actual production. The soaps are now manufactured at Djursland in Denmark, and everything is based on pure ingredients.
We use high-pressure CO2 without heat to extract the oils
So, when Zone Denmark was looking for a fragrance designer to develop irresistible scents for soaps, hand sanitiser and washing-up liquid, approaching Adam was a no-brainer.
Featured Products

Hand sanitizer gel
Many essential oils are naturally antiseptic, so along with citrus, lime, mint and herbs that go with alcohol, they work well in a product like hand sanitiser.
Dishwashing liquid
The delicate notes evoke a certain mood or a memory – and you’ll quite spontaneously bring your hands up to your face to augment the experience.
Hand soap
We use high-pressure CO2 without heat to extract the oils. This provides some completely natural and very intense fragrance notes, such as the ginger essence we use in Zone Denmark’s products