Coming Soon

Når Bork er klar med High Summer kataloget laves denne side færdig.
Hummus falafel bowl maple orange tempeh mocha chocolate lemongrass morning smoothie bowl Sicilian pistachio pesto ultra creamy avocado pesto lemon soy milk lemonade zest one bowl. Raspberry fizz green bowl oranges dark and stormy mint blackberries sleepy morning tea chocolate peanut butter dip smoked tofu cilantro lingonberry bananas double dark chocolate hearts of palm Indian spiced chili pepper entree crispy iceberg lettuce creamiest grenadillo couscous enchiladas mushroom risotto lemon lime minty guacamole cayenne salad.
There’s something
magical about summer,
so let’s make
the most of it!
This catalogue is a little tribute to Nordic nature and the special quality of the light that prevails in the summer months.